
You might have read my two articles about traveling in Bangladesh already and figured out I had a great time in country number 87. These two articles already gave some information about my journey, but in this blog I will tell you all the ins and outs about my trip to Bangladesh.
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- Parent Category: Asia
- Category: Bangladesh

Someone asked me if I was up for traveling to Bangladesh? Hell yes, I would love to! It was actually only about 4 months ago that I looked for cheap flights to Bangladesh when on my budget trip to Fulidhoo Island in Maldives. Although I have traveled multiple times to all the countries around like India, Maldives, Sri Lanka and even China and Nepal and Myanmar, somehow a trip to Bangladesh never happened? Why not? I honestly have no idea…
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- Parent Category: Asia
- Category: Bangladesh

Are you planning a trip to Bangladesh and looking to visit Sylhet? This is a complete guide with everything you need to know when looking for the coolest places to visit and things to do in Sylhet.
I never completed an article so quickly as this one. I was still in Bangladesh and my trip to Sylhet was just a couple days old, but I was still full of excitement and wanted to share my adventures with you. Traveling to Bangladesh is already off the beaten path but when you decide to visit Sylhet you are surely an avid world traveler.
If you are visiting Bangladesh you must definitely try to make time in your itinerary to travel to Sylhet in the Northeast of Bangladesh and with this list of cool things to do I hope to convince you.
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- Parent Category: Asia
- Category: Bangladesh