Nepal is a place of extreme environments and extreme weather which can change at any moment. What to pack for Nepal varies depending on where you plan to go. Therefore it's always a good idea to do some research before you travel to Nepal to ensure you have the right gear on your packing list.
Most of you have probably never heard of the Langtang Valley or Langtang National Park, right? Or heard anything about this unknown but beautiful trekking circuit in Nepal, only a relative short drive from the chaos of Kathmandu. If you have ever been lucky enough to be walking around the streets of the capital on an exceptionally clear day, the mountains you will be seeing are those of the Langtang National Park.
My first trip to Nepal in 2013 is still buzzing around in my mind, ever since my first trip it is one of my favorite countries to visit. Even after more than 150 countries as of March 2023 and the most amazing adventures around the world, Nepal still stands out! In this blog you can find my adventures looking for the best Nepal street food in Kathmandu, including a funny video.
Traveling to Nepal soon and looking for the best way to stay connected? Don't let slow overseas data roaming plans or high roaming charges ruin your trip. This is a complete guide for buying a prepaid sim card in Nepal in 2024.
Let me help you find the best sim card for your trip to Nepal and find where to buy a sim card, the best 4G/5G network coverage in Nepal, the best eSIMs for Nepal, up to date prices as per November 2024, my recommendation, info about international sim cards and more.
Preparing your trip to Nepal, flying to Kathmandu and wondering if you can buy a prepaid sim card at Kathmandu Airport? This is a complete guide with everything you need to know before buying a sim card at Kathmandu Airport in 2024.
Don't let high roaming charges or slow overseas data roaming plans ruin your trip. Get yourself a prepaid sim card for Nepal or an eSIM!
Buying a sim card at Kathmandu Airport is easy, simple and quick. Find out everything you need to know, where to buy a sim card, up to date prices as per November 2024, the best eSIMs for Nepal and more.
The Poonhill trek in Nepal is a great way to get a glimpse of the Annapurna mountain range if you dont have that much time. The Annapurna mountain range in Nepal offers a wide range of treks and is extremely popular with tourist during the trekking seasons in autmun and spring. Experiencing a sunrise over the Machhapuchhare range where the first rays of sunlight will hit some Himalayan hotshots is the highlight of this trek.
Get yourself a Nepal sim card when traveling to Nepal, it makes things so much easier! You can also buy one on arrival at Kathmandu Airport. Landing in the capital and looking for cool things to do in Kathmandu? Try the Nepal street food tour in Kathmandu. So worth it! Read all about it and see the video in the link above.
All about my adventures in Nepal in June 2019 can be found in my Langtang Valley trek article the also my Nepal packing list is a new travel blog full of info.