How and Why I Moved to the UAE | Set up your Business in Dubai
Don't worry, Traveltomtom is not going to stop traveling. Neither did Traveltomtom buy or rent an apartment in Dubai. Don't be fooled by the title! Traveltomtom is not going to live in Dubai.
In fact, Traveltomtom already moved to Dubai a couple years ago, so it is actually nothing new. But I am here to explain why I call Dubai my home and how I set up my Business in the UAE and how you can do the same.
What's it Really Like to Visit Every Country in the World
The more I travel to off the beaten path countries, the more I start questioning myself do I really want to visit every country in the world? Life is short and it is me who is always says do more of what makes you happy. Is visiting Niger, Burkina Faso and countries like that really what I want?
What is actually making me happy at the moment? Where do I want to travel? Do I wanna travel solo? What has more priority, my business or pleasure? Or is it just one of those travel dips that I am suffering from?