Country 106: Iceland - First Traveltomtom Group Trip
Never been to Iceland? Nope! I got this question a lot over the years. Why not? Well, pretty expensive, not easy to travel on a budget and being a remote island it hasn't been easy to combine it with one of my big trips. Plus in most months it is way too cold and I would need specific clothes to visit Iceland.
How To Afford To Travel (and become a Full Time Travel Blogger)
It is the most asked question on my social media channels for sure! How do you afford to travel for so long? Understandable! My Instagram profile literally says how many days I have now been continuously on the road and as of March 2021 that is 3,000 days. So how to afford to travel the world? This is my story...
Join The Traveltomtom Group Trip To Kyrgyzstan
Have you always dreamed of traveling somewhere off the beaten path and didn't know when, how and where? Then now this is your chance. Join me on a trip to Central Asia and explore Kyrgyzstan with me for 10 days at the end of April. Meet me and let’s create memories together…
Margot van der Linde
This Dutchie met Tom during the second Traveltomtom Nambia group trip he organised to Namibia in the summer of 2021. I was always jealous of the pictures he posts on Instagram, even unfollowed him every now and then when I was not able to travel myself because of my work (oops 😉 ), but in the end I was always coming back to his page.
Too curious about his new adventures. When he announced his group trip I decided I wanted to live these adventures of him in real life, instead of via his camera lens. So despite Covid, I jumped on an airplane to the beautiful Namibia and “came as a follower, left as a friend”!
Traveltomtom Group Trip | Northern Lights in Iceland
You know I am all about off the beaten path and may be you know as well that Iceland is the last country in Europe I have not been to yet! So there we go…. February 2020 it is! A winter trip to Iceland ticking off another thing from my bucketlist: seeing the Northern Lights and you can join!
Traveltomtom Group Trip Iraq April 2025
It has been a couple years since the last Traveltomtom Group Trip in Uganda. A shame honestly, because I have always enjoyed traveling with you guys so much. Time just didn't permit the last years, but...
After incredible Traveltomtom group trips in Namibia and Uganda I am now organizing a group trip in Iraq!
Traveltomtom Group Trip Uganda - August 2021
Sorry for the long wait but I am finally able to announce that the Traveltomtom Group Trip to Uganda is finalized.
After my recent trip to Uganda you guys got so super excited about seeing the gorillas that I couldn’t say no to organizing a Uganda group trip. BTW I LOVED it myself just as much that I wanted to travel to Uganda again soon! ;)
I am sure you have read some of my Uganda travel blogs or seen my Instagram stories. A Uganda trip is pretty adventurous although don’t worry I am not gonna put you on the back of a motorbike.
Traveltomtom Group Trip: Namibia
Finally it is back again on popular demand: Traveltomtom Group Trip.
Exactly a year after my first group trip to Iceland, I am excited to announce that I will host another group trip and this time we are going to Africa! Where exactly? NAMIBIA!
Traveltomtom Group Trip: Namibia 2 - July
After the big success of the Namibia Group Trip in April, I am happy to announce another Traveltomtom Namibia Group Trip! My last group was so enthusiastic about the destination and your demand for another Namibia group trip was impressive and therefore I put together one more trip to Namibia.
Tripping in Namibia with Traveltomtom 🍄
One year after my short group trip to Iceland to see the Northern Lights I finally hosted another group trip. This time no snow and cold weather but the opposite, only sunshine and warm temperatures.
Namibia was the perfect destination to travel to during the pandemic. A bunch of cool people that had never met before were super excited to discover a new country. No one had been to Namibia before and for many it was their first visit to Africa.