• HANWAG Coastridge Low | Ultimate Walking Shoe

    Never underestimate the value and power of a good walking shoe. Over the years I have come to appreciate really good and decent walking shoes more and more. Especially after having had and worn out several inferior shoes in a short time. Since then I have decided never to opt for inferior and cheaper walking shoes again and to invest in quality. If you can test and use shoes from a brand like HANWAG, then you naturally say yes.

  • LOWA Fortux GTX (Ws) | Review 

    For a bucket list trip to Lapland we got in touch with LOWA for the first time. Back then they provided us with their best winter boots. A great start to an even better collaboration with LOWA.

    After this first experience LOWA even asked me if I was interested in walking the Nijmegen Four Day Marches on their behalf. And so I did in 2023 with their special Nijmegen Marches boots.

    In fact, we are considering taking up the challenge of the Nijmegen Four Days Marches again in 2025.